Monday, June 8, 2015

To The Woods - Day 8 - June 4, 2015

There is something about canoeing that is more peaceful than just about anything else. Silently gliding over the smooth river that occasionally breaks into faster, shallower water brings about feelings of solitude and peace. Even more so are these feelings if you are canoeing alone. There isn't much to write about other than it was a good time, and it was really nice way to enjoy nature. I saw a beaver for the first time, carrying a stick through the water. At first, I thought it was just a floating stick, but it turned out there was a little beaver swimming beneath it. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures because I kept my phone in a dry-bag The writing requirement for the day is to write  recipe poem about a body of water, and I chose to write about a river.

To make a river you need land and water. Allow the water to fall from a height, usually collecting at the top of the land. Watch as the water moves, forming a trough, the base of the river. A river is not just a trough with water. You need sediment to cloud it, organisms to inhabit it, and land animals to use it. Add to the water a dash of bacteria, a sprinkle of bugs, and a few cups of fish. Allow time for the organisms to develop and evolve. Toss in some sharp rocks to break up the surface of the water, agitating it. Over time, animals will come to feed and float on your river, and it will continue to develop. You need to do very little to create a river, as rivers occur naturally. Man I'm really not feeling this poem. 

Sorry for the short entry.

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